Our Team
Dr. Erica Kosal
Through helping students over the years in various ways in the classroom, in my research lab, through advising and through assessing programs and curricula, I have come to appreciate the complexity of teaching and learning (as a professor, as a colleague, and from the student’s perspective). As an ecologist, I study the interactions between insects and their environment; this scientific methodology approach, as well as the lessons learned about patterns in general has carried over to my teaching. I still focus on patterns and how humans interact with their environment, specifically assessing how various teaching pedagogies influence student learning. Most recently I have begun to incorporate short mindfulness practices in class and have learned these practices are influential with positive student attitude. I know that conveying care for my students, and displaying gratitude in all I do is just as valuable as teaching content in a course. My overall goal is to help students learn and to grow into confident, budding scientists. My passion is helping students find their “voice,” and empower them to take charge of their own learning and successes.
I am thrilled to be part of the LSFY team – this is a wonderful program that will serve students well during their first transitional year in college, helping them find the right fit in the right degree program, as they take courses necessary to prepare them for more advanced coursework in the life sciences. Additionally, students can grow their leadership skills after they complete their first year with us and serve their younger peers through the following positions: class assistants (for LSC103), teaching assistants (for LSC101), as well as peer mentors
- Email: efkosal@ncsu.edu
- Office: 2717 Bostian Hall
Faculty, Staff, & Students Make Our Program a Success
Our team is made up of faculty, advisors, and former LSFY students who have matriculated to their new majors and departments who serve as class assistants, and teaching assistants for our first year students. Faculty teach one of our core courses, LSC101: Creative and Critical Thinking in the Life Sciences, while our academic advisors are the instructors for our other core course, LSC103: Exploring Opportunities in the Life Sciences. Students in the program will meet with their advisors once a week (or more) as advising in the Life Sciences First Year program is a vital component of student success. LSFY advising is a teaching and learning partnership between the advisors and students designed to support students as they explore opportunities in the Life Sciences.
General Contact
- Email: LifeSciencesFY@ncsu.edu
- Phone: 919-515-3341
Deanna Bullard
LSFY Academic Advisor
Instructor LSC103
- Office: 2720 Bostian Hall
- Email: djbulla2@ncsu.edu
- Phone: 919-515-3109
Channing Edwards
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and LSFY Academic Advisor
- Office: 111D Patterson Hall
- Email: camerrit@ncsu.edu
- Phone: 919-515-2614
Dr. Jason Flores
Associate Teaching Professor of Biology
Instructor LSC101
- Office: 232 David Clark Labs
- Email: jfflore2@ncsu.edu
- Phone: 919-515-0474
Dr. Kenny (Hung-Chieh) Kuo
Assistant Teaching Professor of Biochemistry
Instructor LSC101
- Office: 130 Polk Hall
- Email: hkuo@ncsu.edu
- Phone: 919-515-2583
Victoria Lo
- Office: 2721 Bostian Hall
- Email: vmthomps@ncsu.edu
- Phone: 919-513-3928
Molly Malito
LSFY Academic Advisor
Instructor LSC103
- Office: 2707 Bostian Hall
- Email: mmalito@ncsu.edu
- Phone: 919-515-5024
Savannah Nevarez
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and LSFY Academic Advisor
- Office: 111D Patterson Hall
- Email: sjnevare@ncsu.edu
- Phone: 919-513-0868
Pam Rose
LSFY Academic Advisor
Instructor LSC103
- Office: 2712 Bostian Hall
- Email: ptrose@ncsu.edu
- Phone: 919-513-2450
Vince Sisneros
LSFY Academic Advisor
Instructor LSC103
- Office: 2718 Bostian Hall
- Email: vmsisner@ncsu.edu
- Phone: 919-515-6170
- Learn more about Mr. Sisneros
Natalie Trebilcock
LSFY Academic Advisor
Instructor LSC103
- Office: 2705 Bostian Hall
- Email: nmhawkes@ncsu.edu
- Phone: 919-513-0659