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General FAQs

Ms. Molly Malito and Mr. Vince Sisneros, LSFY Advisors working outside on the brickyard of NC State University.

General Questions

How can I learn more about the program?

  • First, start by watching our LSFY general information video. You can also sign up to attend a virtual online information session, which you can find more about under “prospective students”.

How do I set up my email account?

  • Once you set up your Unity Account with NC State, you can log into your email using
  • Your Username: “YourUnityID” (you must have “”). Password: Same as Unity ID Password
  • View “Access Your Unity Account” at

Who is my advisor and/or I haven’t heard from my advisor yet – what should I do?

  • When you are first admitted into the program, you can communicate to all the advisors by emailing  Your specific advisor will be assigned to you either in early June (for fall entry students) or early October (for spring entry students).  The instructor for your LSC 103 class will be your advisor while you are with LSFY.

I want to change my intended major to a major that is not in the Life Sciences First Year Program.  How do I do this?

  • June 1st (Fall Entry) and July 1st (Spring Entry) are the deadlines for requesting changes to your major.  You must contact Undergraduate Admissions

AP/IB and Transfer Credit


I have AP/IB/transfer credit; do I still have to take the NC State math and chemistry placement tests?

  • Yes, the math and chemistry placement test are required.  You will not be able to enroll in Fall courses until you have completed these. Typically, AP, IB and transfer scores/credits do not populate in the enrollment system until mid-July. This will delay your ability to enroll in appropriate courses. Final enrollment is always based on your highest score, so when your AP/IB/transfer credits do come in, you can make changes to your schedule then, if necessary.

Will I get credit for my AP/IB courses?

IB Credit

Where do I find information on the NC State math and chemistry exam? 

Enrollment & Pre-Requisites

I need help with the Enrollment Wizard 

Do I enroll during my Orientation?

  • NO!  You will enroll before orientation.  We will send you information before orientation with more information.  Fall Entry should expect an email in late May.  Spring Entry should expect an email in September. Make sure you are checking your emails.

Am I supposed to take ENG 101?

  • The majority of our students will take ENG 101 in their second semester.  Please refer to the enrollment guide we send you.

Why does BIO 181 say “pre-requisites not met” when I put the course in my shopping cart?

  • This is a standard message that is auto-derived to notify all students that if they received AP credit for Biology (BIO 105/106) by scoring a 3 on the AP exam, that they cannot have those credits count toward their degree if BIO 181 and BIO 183 are degree requirements.*  If you do not have AP credit for BIO 105/1006, you will be able to enroll in BIO 181 on your own when enrollment opens for students.

*Please note that if this applies to you, in order to enroll in BIO 181, you will need to send an email to requesting enrolment in an open section of BIO 181

Why does CH 101 say “pre-requisite not met” when I put the course in my shopping cart?

  • The message you are likely seeing are standard messages to notify all students that CH 102 is the co-requisite for CH 101.  This means you cannot enroll in the lecture without the lab and vice-versa.  You will need to have a section of both CH 101 and CH 102 in your cart to enroll.

Should I take MA 131 or MA 141?

  • MA 131 is the typical course for most LSFY majors, except those considering a major (or minor) in biochemistry chemistry, math, physics, statistics or engineering – then MA 141 is the correct math course for you.  If you are not considering one of these majors, we strongly encourage you to take MA 131.

I’m not comfortable taking Chemistry, Math, and Biology in the same semester.  What should I do?

  • The LSFY curriculum is designed to get you used to what it’s like to be a science major here at NC State. If you are concerned about the course load, you are encouraged to contact the advisors at

I can’t find a HES class to add.  What should I do?

  • You are not required to take an HES course this fall, you can take them at any time before graduation.  If you are looking for another 1-hour course to take, you may want to consider taking an LSC 170 course.  Topics vary and the course will count as a free elective credit.